Monday, September 15, 2014

Material Examination, Experimentation, Exploration: Vinyl Tabs

Created an artist space that is organized and reflects the methodology and systematic way I want to approach this project. It was important to me to create a studio that is an ongoing space for me to work out my ideas and form my artistic practice. 

Through this process of exploring PVC flexible plastic I hope to come to a realization about my obsession with plastic and why I am attracted to these qualities by questioning myself critically on every decision I make aesthetically and conceptually. I am researching the materiality of PVC in books like Plastic: The Making of a Synthetic Century by Stephen Fenichell and then on the science and material engineering side PVC: Production, Properities and Uses George Matthews. By taking on different professional choices of reading one through the field of humanities and social science and on the other material and physical science. 

1,414 vinyl tabs manufactured by Smead office supplies, established in 1906 and introduced plastic tabs due to the shortage of steel during WWII in 1943. Currently this is one of the largest office supply companies.

Measurements, calculations of how much product I could make with this amount of material that I spontaneously came across in the CFOP closing sale. 

Created a stop motion of the process of first experimenting with this material as a textile. Read a book called Textiles: The Art of Manking by Mary Schoeser and going to integrate the philosophies and history of this art form to influence style and design. Here are some quotes:

  • "Textiles as made, exploring their surface qualities and treatments as extensions of the physical world"pg. 260
  • " Surface designers are more interested infabric as geography which provides unlimited options for dimensional and structural enhancements greater possibilities for opening interior space and more opportunities for experimenting with color texture and design"pg. 260
  • "Textile production involves a uniquely complex chain of processes that begins with the gathering or making of ingredients, and ends with finished items" pg. 95

For this first "textile" I used arbitrary decisions in order to decide which color would be placed next and let the pattern develop freely. I didn't want to constrict anything with this first experiment by coming up with a strict pattern. In further experiments I will see how a strict constraint will show a different end product. 

Here I explored how different color hues can change the imagery and distort surfaces with reflections. 

My goals with this process is to take on the role of an artist that reflects and observes each task that I set forth for myself and have various influences from various fields let that lead to my end product. I also am using documentation as a way to see how my investigations and experiments with the plastic develop and then reflect critically on how I view this image and product I made. 

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